Warpspeed Your Confidence With Women


Transform Your Nervousness. Connect With Women. Get A Girlfriend.



(Let's Make It So!)





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Experience Results


  • Does meeting a woman seem complicated?


  • Did your last attempt to talk to a woman flop?



  • Is it time to upgrade your style?

  • Do you avoid talking to women you really like?

  • Do you need a proven strategy to produce romantic results?

  • Does talking to women make your brain hurt?

A B O U T   M E

  • I'm A Geek Too!

    Yes, I am just like you! I have a Computer Science Degree from the University of Texas and know all about things geek!

    From loving Star Trek, Harry Potter, Yoda and the latest Techno-Gadgets to being a Java Developer and Certified Scrum Master, I know how to speak geek and really understand how you think and feel.

  • You Are Not Alone!

    I have been where you are and completely turned my confidence around and ever since have been mentoring single for over 10 years... and I want to help YOU achieve success with attracting and keeping a girlfriend!

  • I Have Your Back!

    When dealing with your usual frustrations and disappointments when interacting with women, I will be there to pull you up with straight and direct communication!

    Upsets will quickly transform into opportunities and exciting challenges! You will move forward like a Jedi, feeling powerful and confident in every area of your life... and not just with women!



Our Clients Get Results!

"I had been a successful engineer for many years, but when it came to things dating, I didn't have much luck. These things come intuitively for other people, but not me. I am very thankful for Janet's coaching because my girlfriend and I have been together for over 9 months."

Ken P.

Transportation Systems Engineer

"Janet's coaching is so comprehensive. I can't say there was one thing that I owe my success to. All I can say is I'm thankful! If you keep an open mind, follow the instructions and keep communicating with Janet, you will see results that will change your life."

Askash S.

Software Sales Engineer

"I was in Nashville for a conference and had a wonderful time. The Mojo was definitely present at a new level, and without me even trying, 2 girls were fighting for my attention. Discretion prevents me from telling the rest. Excellent work Janet!"

Doug B.

Director of Software Training

Get my FREE E-Book:

How To Talk To Women Like A Starship Captain

The 6 Conversations You Need To Go From Total Stranger To The Most Valued Man In Her Life

Why Wait? Get It Now!


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